What is NeuroDevelopmental Movement®?
NeuroDevelopmental Movement®
The foundational levels of the brain are responsible for setting the stage for every human being to regulate, balance, and coordinate emotions, behaviors, physical structures, external/internal sensations, proprioception, impulse control, attention, focus, fight-flight-freeze, bonding/attachment, social skills, language function, gross/fine motor skills, and overall brain function later in life.
The NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Program is based on the the Developmental Sequence, which is what every human infant needs to facilitate the maturity of the lower levels of the brain. It is comprised of movement, reflex patterns, sensory, vestibulars, and related activities.
Our NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Consultants educate and train clients about the NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Program, which includes two pathways: the Developmental Sequence or the Replication of the Developmental Sequence.
Who is NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Program for?
Infant/Baby Program
The Infant/Baby program is specifically geared for infants and babies who are not yet walking. The goal of the developmental sequence program is to equip caregivers with the tools needed to set the stage for their infants/babies to have equal opportunity and access to optimal brain development. Our DS program gives babies the opportunity to move, grow, learn and achieve!
Child/Adult Program
NeuroDevelopmental Movement® is designed for toddlers, preschoolers, students, and adults. The goal of the NeuroDevelopmental Movement® program is to give a person of any age a second chance to achieve optimal brain development, thus optimizing their life potential. This program is based on the science of neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning, life experiences, or following injury. Our RDS program gives a person of any age the opportunity to move, grow, learn and achieve!
Labels, Limitations and Loss
NSI, The NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Program, and its affiliates, do not treat labels but many of our clients have come to us with diagnoses, such as:
Developmental Delay
RAD and more
Many of our clients have also had limitations, such as:
Academic struggles
Aggression, rages, meltdowns
Social skills
Sound sensitivities
Lack of empathy
Tactile sensitivities
Speech delays
Eating disorders
Fine or gross motor skills
Anxiety and more
Others have had loss of function through traumatic events, such as:
Traumatic Brain Injury
Bonding breaks (orphanage care, foster care and/or adoption)
Birth trauma and more
As a result of learning about and implementing NeuroDevelopmental Movement®, many of our clients report an improved quality of life in a variety of areas, such as social/emotional/behavioral regulation, mental/academic/executive function, physical strength, balance, coordination, sensory, and reflex integration, even though not all of our Developmental Movement Consultants are physicians, psychologists, or credentialed mental health workers. Our consultation services do not include the treatment or diagnosis of specific illnesses or disorders.
Our consultants believe there is life beyond labels, limitations and loss.
Click here to read the Science Daily article, “Movement Impairments In Autism Could be Reversible”.
What Is My Investment?
NeuroDevelopmental Movement® provides solutions, not compensations. You will not learn “quick fix” compensations in this program. You will learn what may be the root cause of issues, and how you can correct them. This work is comprehensive and individualized. This program takes time and is challenging, requiring dedicated, daily consistent work, but as with all things worthwhile, the results are more than worth it. You can put the time in now or you can put the time in forever.