“Experiencing such incredible results prompted me to begin a career offering this hope to the world.”
Nina Jonio
I had finally found hope for my children. After doing everything I could to be the mother I knew my kids deserved and still not seeing improvements, I found Neurological Reorganization. Together my kids and I completed a life altering journey that restored our family. Experiencing such incredible results prompted me to begin a career offering this hope to the world. I pursued training under Florence Scott, RN, a founder of Neurological Reorganization. After that I continued studying at NFR in Germany. In 1998 I co-founded the non-profit Developmental Movement Center in Seattle, Washington, with fellow practitioner Bette Lamont. In 2005 I joined the staff of the Northwest Neurological Training Center as Program Direction. Since beginning Neurodevelopmental Solutions in 2009, I’ve enjoyed traveling the country speaking at conferences and seminars, conducting training for professionals, Neurological Reorganization practitioner training and working with clients one-on-one. It has also been my pleasure to contribute to communities through outreach activities and screening events. I’ve had the privilege of guiding thousands of clients, both children and adults, through Neurological Reorganization with remarkable success. Seeing people become neurologically unlocked, revealing themselves truly authentic and full of incredible potential has truly been my bliss. I’ve dedicated my life to this work, its development, making a difference in individual’s lives and offering hope to the world.